It's holiday time in Jane's Holler, Tennessee!
Despite all the small town yuletide cheer, Charlotte "Charley" Miller and Jackson "Jack" Douglas aren't feeling it. Tragedies in Christmases past have turned them off of the holiday merriment.
But best friends Evie and Connor aren't letting Charley and Jack off the hook this year. Will the pair find the Christmas spirit again...together?
This free, hour-long scripted podcast drama is available on all major podcast platforms and is sure to get you in the holiday spirit!
Want to fully indulge in the Chocolate & Joy experience? Click on "Get my C&J PodPair" below. We'll send you a Christmas box full of the very goodies Charley, Evie, Jack, and Connor enjoy during the show! (Also makes for an incredibly unique Christmas gift.)
We're so excited to welcome you to Jane's Holler, Tennessee and spark your holiday spirit!
Scroll on to learn more about the show and how you can enjoy the hot chocolate and holiday munchies the cast has...
Meet the Cast
Chocolate & Joy was brought to life by the talents of Taylor Jay Clark (events announcer), Katie Charl Ricketts (Charley), Katelyn Covington (Evie), Tyshawn Young (Jack), and Matthew Gunn (Connor). It was recorded on location in Martin, Tennessee - a town that's pretty much Jane's Holler. Copious amounts of caffeine and pizza were consumed. As far as we know, only waistlines were harmed in the making of this show.
Charley & Evie
Charlotte "Charley" Miller and Evelyn Victoria "Evie" Carter have been best friends since Evie fell off the handlebars in kindergarten and Charley produced a Spongebob Band-aid.
Evie can't stand seeing Charley go into solitary mourning every Christmas - missing her parents and baby brother, holing up at home to sip the mint hot chocolate she makes from a family recipe. Evie's decided five Christmases is long enough and - for her first shot across the bow - drags Charley to the Jane's Holler Mr. and Mrs. Claus Cookie Exchange.
Thankfully, Charley meets a similarly bruised soul ... and he has an escape plan for them both.
Jack and Con John
Bros-for-life Jackson "Jack" Douglas and Connor "Con John" Johnson are building a company - and a life - in Jane's Holler after moving there from Nashville. But it's Christmastime again, which means Jack isn't going out in town. Three Christmases ago, a very public personal disaster happened and Jack finds it best to just stay home this time of year from now on.
But, like Evie with Charley, Con John is having none of Jack's hermit routine this year. He's found himself in the untenable position of being girlfriend-less at Christmas and his wingman MUST help remedy the situation. First event? The Mr. and Mrs. Claus Cookie Exchange...
Town Crier
Doesn't every town need one?
Whether she's welcoming Jane's Holler citizens to the Mrs. and Mrs. Claus Cookie Exchange, the Lions Club's Pa Rum Pum Pum Pancake Breakfast, the Booster Club's Elf Mingle, or leading the town in a rousing rendition of O, Tannenbaum, the Jane's Holler Town Crier brings joy and charm to all events.
The joy of Jane's Holler beats in Betsy's lovable heart and exuberant spirit. You'll hear her several times throughout the show!
You can even get the goodies the cast has in the story!
(Or, send to a friend for the most unique gift they'll get this Christmas)
We've put together a red box filled with the very goodies the cast has in "Chocolate & Joy." A tin full of "Christmas Crack," a molasses gingerbread man, hot chocolate mix in a glass jar, a candy cane for stirring and adding that key mint flavor, and marshmallows to top it all off. Grab yours today and then sit back and relax with the story as you sip the same mint hot chocolate and munch the same Christmas Crack as the characters.
Quantities are LIMITED.