In 2am darkness, a [Silent Crash] was voted into Michigan law...

PA21 and PA22
The Legislation Causing Catastrophe
In the dark of a May 2019 night at a hastily called legislative session, the legislation that became Public Acts 21 and 22 passed the House and Senate in Michigan. On July 2, 2021, key parts took effect and were retroactively applied - to the devastation of thousands.
Since 1973, Michigan drivers paid a small yearly fee to their insurance companies for the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association fund. If a Michigan driver was in a catastrophic accident involving an automobile, the MCCA fund reimbursed insurance companies for all claims beyond the policy's limit.
For life.
It's a promise Michigan made to its paying citizens.
This isn't tax money.
It's money those drivers paid into the fund through their insurance companies every year.
With PA21 and 22, Michigan survivors of catastrophic auto crashes suddenly got their benefits cut by a whopping 45% and care provider hours to 56 per week.
The law wasn't supposed to be applied to patients who were already in the system, but insurance companies did it anyway. Within weeks, the court system became tied up with cases from patients trying to hold their insurance companies accountable to their contracts - a process that can take YEARS.
Meanwhile, some found it impossible to survive.
More than 50 businesses that were taking care of patients had to close their doors. They could not afford to provide care at the slashed rates.
Survivors were dropped off in Michigan emergency rooms and nursing homes by family members desperate to keep them alive.
Several died.
All while $23 billion of THEIR money sits in the fund.
Their care didn't need to be cut.
Looking for the button to click and share your solution to fix the harmful messed caused by PA21 and 22?
The yellow one above is it! Just click and fill out the form.
Free, Easy Ways Our Show Listeners Helped...
The government is a giant behemoth - but it bows to the will of the people when enough of raise their voices. Here's how show listeners helped propel this issue all the way to the Michigan Supreme Court, which ruled in favor of the patients.
About [Silent Crash, the Podcast]
SILENT CRASH: Stories of the Quiet Unraveling of Michigan's Auto No-Fault and the Destruction of Lives is a podcast show that aired its first episode in October 2021. The show included stories from the patients impacted, their families, elected officials, and experts in Michigan's Auto No-fault Program. The show was written and directed by Rebeca Seitz and co-produced by her and Rebecca Bond Tucker. The show is a production of 1C Productions, Inc.